Apply for a bursary
Don’t let lack of money get in the way of your music

Don’t let lack of money get in the way of your music

If you are finding it hard to take part in musical activities because of financial issues, there are a whole range of ways that you can get support as an individual.

If you are interested in applying for a bursary, please download and read our guidance for applicants. There are no deadlines for applying. Download guidance and application form here:

Access to Learning Guidance & Application Form 2022

Support through your school

If the activity you are doing is in school (even if after school) then talk first with your teacher.  Most schools will be able to provide support for pupils who are eligible for additional funding (such as Free School Meals/Pupil Premium). Your school office will be able to assist you with this.

Bursary support from Cambridgeshire Music

If your (or your family’s) financial situation means you are finding it hard to take up an opportunity that would be available to other children, then you can apply for a bursary by completing our application form and returning it to

Here are some of the activities that you can apply for help with:

Instrumental and vocal tuition
Access to instrument provision: we can help with the costs of instrument loan but not purchase
Access to ensemble membership: enabling young people to join a regular music-making group
Access to workshops and projects: enabling young people to take part in activities to support and extend their learning
Adaptations and equipment to support SEN access: help where needed for adjustments to equipment or support for SEN students to access learning opportunities
Advanced musician development: help for young people identified as gifted and talented or working at advanced learning levels needing additional help to develop further.

The Fund is open to children aged 5 to 18 who are resident in Cambridgeshire or attending a school in Cambridgeshire. Parents and carers can apply directly on behalf of their children or schools can apply on behalf of several pupils at once.