Our whole class music team comprises experienced staff that have worked with both primary and secondary pupils across a range of key stages. They are experienced classroom practitioners who love teaching music and deliver fun and engaging lessons to all classes.
FOR: All primary and secondary schools
DATES: School term time
• Qualified and DBS-checked whole class teaching staff.
• A well-structured and planned music curriculum with long, medium, and short-term planning covering all aspects of the Music National Curriculum.
• A progressive learning process with regular monitoring and formative/summative assessment, including end of year reports.
• ‘First Access’ instrumental programmes (large group tuition/wider opportunities) can be delivered within our curriculum teaching.
• Support for school concerts and parents' evenings.
• Class teachers can be booked for a term or 38-week academic year.
• Primary schools can buy in Cambridgeshire Music curriculum music teachers as PPA cover.
• Secondary schools can use our service for cover for extended teacher absence.
• A suitable learning environment for the lesson.
• Access to working smartboard technology and speakers.
• Provision of any teaching assistant normally attached to the class.
• Class sets of instruments (can be loaned from Cambridgeshire Music. Please ask for more information)
• Liaison about any specific requirements connected with your curriculum.
• Liaison about any situation that may affect lesson delivery, e.g. school trips.
• Liaison about any pupils with special education or additional needs.
£54.00 per hour, can be booked for up to 38 week (full academic year).
Our recommended length of music lesson is: 60 minutes per week.
Our music curriculum lessons can be used to support pupils to achieve Arts Award. Discover and Explore (KS1/2), Bronze (KS3) and Gold (KS4/5). Our lessons also provide evidence of Curriculum Design, Partnerships and Pupil Engagement, supporting schools to achieve Artsmark.
Schools may collaborate and buy in time as a Cluster. In these cases, a curriculum to meet the needs of a cluster can be planned and delivered with performance opportunities for schools involved.